Prices List: Tijuana Dentists

You can save thousands of dollars, compared to the cost of dentistry in the United States, by visiting our office in Tijuana. View the price list below and don’t hesitate to contact our office with questions or to book your appointment!

Treatment Price List Tijuana USA
Exam and Evaluation $51 $145
White Composite Filling $60-$80 $190 – $275
Full Mouth X-rays $90 $250
Root Canal Therapy $320-$380 $850 – $1,250
Pre-Fabricated Post/Build Up $150 $250
PFM Porcelain Crowns – Standard Finish $290 $785
PFM Crowns – Esthetic Finish (Collarless) $290 $875
All Porcelain E.Max Crown or Veneers $425 $1295
Single Appointment CEREC (E.Max) Crown or Veneer $425 $1350
CEREC (Zirconium) Crown or Veneer $460 $1500
Zirconium Ceramic Crowns or Veneers $460 $1495
Simple Extractions $95 $165
Surgical Extractions $115 $295
Wisdom Tooth Extraction – Simple $125 $325
Wisdom Tooth Extraction (Fully Impacted) $195 $690
Immediate Partial Plate $145 $825
High Quality Full Denture (Per Arch) $690 $2290
Regular Cleaning – Prophylaxis $50 $150
Perio – Maintenance Cleaning (Full Mouth) $125 $425
Perio – Scaling & Root Planing (Per Quadrant) $75 $415
Individual Bone Graft $360 $895
Sinus Lift $1550 $2750
Dental Implant – Surgical Placement $990 $2250
Abutment Placement (for Crown or Bridge) $480 $1250
Porcelain Crown for Implants $480 $495
Connectors / Locators (for Dentures) $425 $650
Night Guards $125 $265
Zoom 1 Hour Tooth Whitening System $165 $450
Othodontic treatment (Braces) $2000-2500 $3500-4500
Othodontic treatment (Cosmetic Braces) $2500-3000 $3500-5000
Invisalign $5000 $7000
Nanoceramic Denture $5000 $12000
IV Sedation every 30 min $150 $600
Apicoectomy $165 $320
Gingivectomy $190 $360
Gingivoplasty $190 $360
LFR $130 $350
3D Ct Scan $260 $450